Chapter 5 - Integrate Laravel with Google Firebase connecting Cloud Firestore

In this chapter, we will create a Laravel project and connect it with the Cloud Firestore with installing all necessary packages and build some basic queries.

Step 1: Install a fresh Laravel Project with name my-project

 composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel my-project

Step 2: Setup a Firebase account and Cloud Firestore Database

A detail chapter on this topic is available here

Step 3: Use the Laravel package built over Firebase PHP Admin SDK by Kreait
The package url on Github: We have already explain the Firebase PHP Admin SDK in previous chapters by the same Author. So this code has been used by lot of people and is highly maintainable. Run the following command to install the package.

 composer require kreait/laravel-firebase

To publish this service in Laravel, run following command:

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kreait\Laravel\Firebase\ServiceProvider" --tag=config

Step 4: Setting up the Firebase Credentials 

Place the credentials json file obtained from Step 2 in the root of Laravel project and rename to "firebase-credentials.json".
Then update the  key FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS value in config/firebase.php to the "base_path('firebase-credentials.json')"

Step 5: Installing google cloud firestore php package

 composer require google/cloud-firestore

This package require grpc php extension. We will have a separate chapter to install this extension. Let us know in comment section if you face any difficulty.

Here we are ready. Our Firebase has been connected to Laravel Project.

Step 6: Create a controller name FirebaseController.php
 namespace App\Http\Controllers;  
 use Illuminate\Http\Request;  
 class FirebaseController extends Controller  
   protected $db;  
   public function __construct() {  
     $this->db = app('firebase.firestore')->database();  

So $this->db is the root for your firestore and all your futher queries will take place from here.

Let us consider the following Firestore database

Following is the code to fetch the blogs from firestore

 public function index(Request $request)  
     $docRef = $this->db->collection('blogs');  
     $query = $docRef;  
       $query = $docRef->where('name', '=', $request->search);  
     $documents = $query->documents();  
     foreach ($documents as $document) {  
       if ($document->exists()) {  
         printf('Document data for document %s:' . PHP_EOL, $document->id());  
       } else {  
         printf('Document %s does not exist!' . PHP_EOL, $snapshot->id());  

This is the query is to fetch blogs collection and search by name inside the blogs. Then looping the documents and checking each document exists by "$document->exists()" and printing the id by "$document->id()" ex: 7PWSpBaBMTbsuEcG95P0 and the data can be fetch by "$document->data()" and to fetch name, you can retrieve by key "$document->data()['name']".

Hope now your clear with basic connection and query. Further detail query will covered in upcoming chapters. Let us know if you have any doubt in this chapter in the comments below.

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  1. php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kreait\Laravel\Firebase\ServiceProvider" --tag=config

    This one above is not working for me. I'm getting this error:
    "Unable to locate publishable resources.
    Publishing complete."

    I tried adding this line below in config/app

    'providers' => [
    // ...

    But is getting this error instead:

    "In ProviderRepository.php line 208:

    Class 'Kreait\Laravel\Firebase\ServiceProvider' not found "

    Tried composer update -noscript option to no avail. Anyone here getting the same error?


    1. This has been fixed already, someone in Github tried it and worked for him so I tried it on another project and it worked. Just a weird one I guess or I must have messed up somewhere else :)

  2. I am getting an error: firebase.firestore does not exist. Is there another way of testing if the connection is successful between the Laravel project and Firebase? Something that could probably be run in Artisan Tinker perhaps?

    1. After installing the firebase package. You have to install cloud firestore also as mentioned above

      composer require google/cloud-firestore

      php grpc extension is must for this

      Then anywhere in controller, you have to just use


      Thats all.

    2. Hi, if your issue is solved by any other method than the mentioned one please share here, so other people can be benefitted.

      And Please follow us, it helps us.

  3. Hi. I have an error. Here it is :


    Invalid service account specification

    1. Hi, the cause of this error is due to missing credential json file. Please download admin private key json file from firebase console. Place in the proper position mentioned in blog. And always check the path.

    2. Hi, if your issue is solved by any other method than the mentioned one please share here, so other people can be benefitted.

      And Please follow us, it helps us.

  4. During the installation of google/cloud-firestore, I had this error but the installation ended well anyway.

    grpc/grpc suggests installing ext-protobuf (For better performance, install the protobuf C extension.)
    google/cloud-firestore suggests installing ext-protobuf (Provides a significant increase in throughput over the pure PHP protobuf implementation. See for installation instructions.)
    Writing lock file
    Generating optimized autoload files
    Deprecation Notice: Class Grpc\Gcp\AffinityConfig located in E:/Mobiles/restaurantApp/my-project/vendor/google/grpc-gcp/src\generated\Grpc\Gcp\AffinityConfig.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v2.0. in phar://C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201
    Deprecation Notice: Class Grpc\Gcp\AffinityConfig_Command located in E:/Mobiles/restaurantApp/my-project/vendor/google/grpc-gcp/src\generated\Grpc\Gcp\AffinityConfig_Command.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload
    anymore in Composer v2.0. in phar://C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201
    Deprecation Notice: Class Grpc\Gcp\ApiConfig located in E:/Mobiles/restaurantApp/my-project/vendor/google/grpc-gcp/src\generated\Grpc\Gcp\ApiConfig.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v2.0.
    in phar://C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201
    Deprecation Notice: Class Grpc\Gcp\ChannelPoolConfig located in E:/Mobiles/restaurantApp/my-project/vendor/google/grpc-gcp/src\generated\Grpc\Gcp\ChannelPoolConfig.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v2.0. in phar://C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201
    Deprecation Notice: Class Grpc\Gcp\MethodConfig located in E:/Mobiles/restaurantApp/my-project/vendor/google/grpc-gcp/src\generated\Grpc\Gcp\MethodConfig.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer
    v2.0. in phar://C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201
    Deprecation Notice: Class GPBMetadata\Google\ApiCore\Tests\Unit\Example located in E:/Mobiles/restaurantApp/my-project/vendor/google/gax/metadata\Google\ApiCore\Tests\Unit\Example.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. It will not autoload anymore in Composer v2.0. in phar://C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar/src/Composer/Autoload/ClassMapGenerator.php:201

    1. Please follow this article in detail

      and for you, we will update this article for linux pcs

    2. Hi, if your issue is solved by any other method than the mentioned one please share here, so other people can be benefitted.

      And Please follow us, it helps us.

  5. Here's where the code doesn't work

    $this->db = app('firebase.firestore')->database();
    $docRef = $this->db->collection('blogs');
    $query = $docRef;
    $documents = $query->documents();

    So when I want to recover the data I have this error


    cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see

    I do not know how to do

    1. This issue generally comes, when your server cannot connect to Firebase. Please check you have proper internet connection. And if internet is proper, please check if your local apache setup is allowed through PC's firewall.

    2. Hi if your issue is solved by any other method that can be shared here, so other people can be benefitted.

      Please follow us.

  6. how to update key FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS value in config/firebase.php to the "base_path('firebase-credentials.json')" , can i replace with this ('file' => env('FIREBASE_CREDENTIALS'), in credentials

    1. Yes anything is fine.

      'credentials' => [
      'file' => base_path('firebase-credentials.json')

      Do this, so base_path is accessible in config files and not in env. And 'firebase-credentials.json' file in root folder of project. This is best practice.

    2. Hi if your issue is solved by any other method that can be shared here, so other people can be benefitted.

      Please follow us.

  7. "Unable to create a FirestoreClient: The requested client requires the gRPC extension." this occur

    1. Yes gRPC extension is must for Firestore. Please see this chapter in detail, how to install grpc

    2. Hi, if your issue is solved by any other method than the mentioned one please share here, so other people can be benefitted.

      Please follow us.

  8. Hello Users, from many subscribers requesting chapter on "gcp firebase" , we will soon be adding a detail described chapter on this. Thanks.

  9. "Return value of Kreait\Laravel\Firebase\FirebaseProjectManager::getDefaultProject() must be of the type string, null returned". this problem i am facing.

    1. This error generally comes of json file you got from firebase is not proper or the file path provided is not proper.

    2. please, share how to slove

    3. Hi Htun, the issue would be json file not readable by code. This issue generally happens relative path or full path of file. Try to debug in this way, what's the path you are getting.

      And Htun, we would request you to please follow this blog. It really keeps us motivate to build such blogs😊

  10. Unable to create a FirestoreClient: Error rendering 'projects/{project=*}/databases/{database=*}': expected binding 'project' to match segment '{project=*}', instead got null Provided bindings: Array ( [project] => [database] => (default) )
    who can i solve this proplem

    1. Thanks for reaching out us.

      This issue seams you have modify your admin SDK private json.
