Chapter 15 - Laravel with Firebase Sign In and maintain logged in session using middleware

In this chapter, we will learn how can we implement a login page and make a user login. Then maintain a session for other page queries and logout to destroy session.

Before we start, we assume you have all knowledge of setting up the Firebase Authentication. If not please read this Chapter 6

First of all, below is the code of login method with takes email and password and checks if the credentials is correct or incorrect.

 try {  
    $logged_user = app('firebase.auth')->verifyPassword($request->emailaddress, $request->password);  
    //Credentials are correct  
 } catch (\Kreait\Firebase\Exception\Auth\InvalidPassword $ex) {  
    return back()->withErrors(['Credentials are incorrect']);  

Now if Credentials are correct, then store the uid in the Laravel Session

 \Session::put('uid', $logged_user->uid);  

Now create a custom middleware. lets us name it as 'firebase'. Your middleware code will look like below:

 namespace App\Http\Middleware;  
 use Closure;  
 class Firebase  
    * Handle an incoming request.  
    * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request  
    * @param \Closure $next  
    * @return mixed  
   public function handle($request, Closure $next)  
       return $next($request);  
       return redirect('/');  

Then register your middleware in your Kernel.php

 protected $routeMiddleware = [  
     'firebase' =>\App\Http\Middleware\Firebase::class  

Then use it the routes of pages that are accessible after login

     'middleware' => 'firebase',  
   ], function () {  
    //All the routes after logged in  

Then after log in, you can use the session uid, to query, like fetch details

 $student = app('firebase.firestore')->database()->collection('Students')  

Now on logout simply forgot the uid in session

 Route::get('logout', function(){  

Hope this chapter of Laravel Firebase login session is clear to you. This is the very basic example. We would have more chapters on this topic. So stay tuned with us and let us know what things you want us to cover in upcoming chapters in below comment section. And please share with your connections who might find this helpful. And for more interaction, please visit for facebook page

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  1. Replies
    1. help at all...

    2. Thanks suhasrkms.
      Sure. We will check out this video.

  2. when i tried above code, this error Call to undefined method Kreait\Firebase\Auth::verifyPassword() showing...

    1. Hi Subina,
      Thanks for reaching out us.

      Let us know only verify password is not working. Or all other method of sdk not working.

      Please read Chapter 5 - Integrate Laravel with Google Firebase connecting Cloud Firestore

      It can be package installation be the problem.

      Please click the top left follow button. It helps us.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi SemicoloCG,

      Extremely happy to hear from you that our blog helped you.

      Please show your love and support to this blog, by clicking follow button on top.

  4. Waoo Awesome content posting,Many developers would agree that laravel is difficult and complex whereas laravel is simple and so more productive,This site is so amazing.This sites gives good knowledge of laravel.
